Saturday 29 March 2014

Max + Finally a meet up.

Dearie is on his way here! I'm a happy girl. Though it has gotten to the point where I am so agitated inside, but I guess I could not bring myself to be unreasonable, although I really want to act like a spoilt bitch, throw tantrums and release all my anger, but no. I won't because I have brains and I can control my actions with them. [Repeating this to myself]

I got to admit that my boyfriend has been really patient with me. Maybe he knows I am really agitated. He's been sweet. Just really busy.

By the way, Max (schnauzer) is going to be here for abit, 2 nights! He didn't really eat dinner tonight, I would say he only ate half. I hope he doesn't get too hungry, but I guess if my parents left me at someone else's place for 2 nights suddenly, I would lose a bit of my appetite too. I did gave him some rice (2X 50cents portion) and a tiny bit of banana. He did gobbled down all the treats that I gave though, so I guess he shouldn't be that hungry.

A little neglected

Feeling easily annoyed by his lack of initiation in conversations nowadays. Usually I won't mind him taking an hour to reply but ARGH!! It's now killing me. I truly think it's because we have not met for approximately a week. Every short duration ignored makes me feel so... so unimportant and neglected which involuntarily continued and branch my thoughts to more negative thoughts.

I don't like this. It's making me jealous. It's making me envious of people going on dates after exams, people meeting up more than 3 times a week like we used to. I miss the times where he'll stay over at least once a week. I miss those times where we'll go for long walks as if we have all the time in the world to enjoy each others' company. I tell myself he's busy but sometimes I can't help but ask myself, "really? Or he just doesn't want to spend as much time with you anymore?"

Usually I quickly brush that thought away and think of how awesome I am and why would he not want to spend time with me. But argh ! I hate this I hate this.

Thursday 27 March 2014

Weightloss2 Week 1 mission update !

So Regine, deadline of Mission One due! 

Weight: 47.5kg
Deadline: 27March2014
How did I fare today? 
Jiang Jiang Jiang Jiangggggg!

Lightest I've ever been! Breakthrough! I'm pretty proud of myself. I didn't even starve myself like the first time. However, maybe I'm psychotic, but I somehow dont feel as much sense of satisfaction compared to when I do. Maybe because I didn't have to suffer so much to achieve this. Though, I am kind of liking this effortless (comparatively) method.

Food wise: Leafy greens was not incorporated everyday, though I did it salad for maybe..2 days? Rest of the days, I find myself more of estimating calories as an aim compared to the individual things that I ate. So yea, I should eat more veggies. 

Exercise wise: I wasn't as hardcore as I expected myself to be, I did things that are sweat-inducing but enjoyable at the same time, doing different things almost everyday outdoors. Even on days I didn't exercise, I chose to walk the longer distance home/ walk home instead of taking public transport, which is good I guess.
Dinner timing wise: I'm pretty strict about that except on saturdays when we have family gathering at gramps. 

Water wise: Gotta work harder on that! 

Week 2 Mission  
Weight: 46.5kg 
Deadline: 3rd April 2014

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Weightloss2 Day 6

Just keeping track of my weight.
Things have been relatively good this week , been trying to be active.

Day 4 - Trekking at MacRitche for 2 hours
Day 5- Climbed Bukit Timah Hill (47.6kg)
Both days with beloved Jamie.

Today, Day 6, weighing in at 47.3kg.
Previous goal was to be 47.5kg by Day 7, shouldn't be a problem now because results were good.
Although I have to confess that today wasn't very healthy.
My total calories maxed at 800kcal which is a little too little/unhealthy, but I wasnt hungry till late at night , which is the time I shouldnt eat so..  yea, I'll eat better tomorrow.

Friday 21 March 2014

Weightloss2 Day 1

Okay, I'm embarrassed to say that progress wasn't going thaaat well.
Let's see..

Day 0, food wise was well controlled till evening..
Met Dearie and I gave in to temptation and bought fishball soup. Well Regine.. fishball soup isn't that fattening you might say, well true, but not if you had 10 fishballs! And what more, at 9pm! Your mission failed for today.Why do they give so much ! They should give less and charge less I feel. Well , I gave Dearie 4 and I had to finish the 6, tried to give him more but.. he gave me this 'You're-torturing-me' look, so I had to stop. What's worse is that he was craving for fries :3 And I ate abit... okay fine..Some! I ate some.

The only exercise I did was walking ( if that even counts).

Day 1,
Weighing in at 48.3kg.
Thankgoodness there's no weight gain. 47.5kg by 27th doesnt seem that impossible.
So today I need to do better !

Breakfast was good.
Herbalife F1 Shake @ 96calories
Snacked a banana @ 105 calories.
Lunch was Cereal @ 366 calories
Ate another banana @ 105 calories
Dinner was Honeystars cereal @ 208 calories.

Went for a slow jog~ approx 15mins. Did 50 situps.
Mom, or rather, uncle insisted on buying me some snacks as usual when he comes over, so I ate 2 chicken wings. :x  @ 122 calories.

Calories intake was 1,002. Well I did exercise a little, so there's definitely progress from yesterday and that's all that matters ! I think I deserve a pat on the back for getting up my bum and jog, it's all good! Just dont eat chicken wings next time.

Thursday 20 March 2014

Celebrating success!

Year 2012
(Except today: 2014)  

Since I have nothing to do today, thought I should just do some recapping and be grateful for everything that had happened.  

In Jan 2012, must be the heaviest I've ever been. 58+kg. I ever went up to 59kg. For a short girl, it's pretty crazy, but surprisingly, according to BMI , I was still under the normal weight range (18.5–24.9), I was at 24.9 . 

Broke up with my boyfriend of a month, it was pretty silly, but I had no appetite and ate beancurd for 2 days straight. Beancurd was a yummy good comfort food! Lost 2kg in the two days and I was surprised. Then my brain generated this thought! 

" I should lose weight, be damn sexy and he'll regret, but too bad ! By then, I'll be out of his league, that's for not loving me when I'm fat ! " 

Haha that's a little mean, but whatever kind of motivation works! 
So I exercised frequently, got active , joined short marathons, control myself from fattening food. By March I was 54kg. By May, 52kg. Continued on, by July, 49kg and August I was at a stable 48kg. 
These few years , my weight fluctuates between 50-48kg, during holidays, period , yada. The lightest I've been was 47.3, but that was only for a few days :P 

When I was 58kg, I thought I would never reach 48kg, and I thought that when I reach 48kg, I'll have this super model bikini body,but boy was I wrong. Thus, right now, I'm going to go lower, better get in shape while I'm still young, or I'll definitely regret not ever having good figure when I'm older.

So YOSHHH !! Regine! You've done it once! Do it again ! *determined* 
Do you want to read your old blogs and get embarrassed for not achieving your goals or do you want to look back and smile at your achievements?! Eat healthy ! Slim down !  

Diet Again.

Holidays, I am so bored! Once again, the grass is always greener on the other side.
Shall blog again since I've always been someone who need to pen down thoughts.

Okay yosh! What's happening in my life... Reading past posts makes me happy, especially my first few. I'll self-declare my weight loss is a success! This morning I weighed myself... 48.3kg on one weighing machine and 47.9kg on the other. Cant believe I used to be 58kg.

I want to be slimmer! Let's make another goal shall we?

Regine, you have been given a mission. 

Day 0,
Height: 152.5cm
Weight: 48.3kg
BMI: 20.8

Your Ultimate GOAL! 
Weight: 43kg
BMI: 18.5 [Healthy range 18.5-24.9] 

How am I going to achieve it? 
1- Drink plain water, at least 2litres everyday
2- Eat healthy, no unhealthy food,  leafy greens 
3- Eat dinner at 5.30pm, latest! No more food after! 
4- Get moving! 

  • Jog at least 3 times a week, 15mins each
  • Shaker. 30mins each. 
  • Hula hoop for flat stomach. 30mins each
  • Jumping jacks. 100 each 
  • Sit Ups. 50 each  
5- Drink Herbalife. At least once a day.   

For now
Weight: 47.5kg
Deadline: 27March2014