Wednesday 29 August 2012


Today I am thankful .
For the wonderful friends that I have.
Thank you Mika , you are the sweetest sotong friend in my life. Although sometimes you are blur but that makes you , the cute personality that we all love. Dont worry about boyfriends Mika , You are awesome. Dont think you are not pretty or unattractive because PSSSHHHH ! all the pretty girls you see have make up on and stuff. AND I BET IF YOU MAKE UP ( And get a haircut) You'll look prettier than ALL of them. You'll look like a doll , i swear !! You have feminine asia features that ANGMO love! really ! no joke! cross my heart and cross my butt (cos my butt is equally important). And you have the nicest heart and sweetest personality. I LOVE IT ! If im an ang mo , i will totally date you !!

Thank you cynthiya. HAHA i dont know why but you always laugh at my jokes even when its not funny and that makes me happy happy. HAHA ! thanks for giving me this support .

Thank you random man today for sharing your unbiased religious view. This random man was telling us how 2500 years ago , nepal priest found out that Jesus was a reincarnation of a chosen one. And since jesus only appear 2000 years ago , its possible right? Then there was a period where there was no information on jesus and they found out that he was in India , taught by a hindu (possibly Hinduism). That was extra info.

THANK YOU AIKHWEE ! Everyday im learning more and more from you. You are so awesome. Although it makes me stress sometimes , but like you've said , sometimes stress is good.

Saturday 4 August 2012


Today... Im thankful for the Tradition of Skippy Peanut Butter in my family. Everytime i eat peanut butter , there's this warm fussy feeling.

Also thankful that mummy is safe from any injuries despite the accident
And god bless the kind man who didnt ask mummy to pay.
What else... Hmmm...