Monday 29 June 2015

Asia Pacific Yoyo competition 2015


Woohoo, it's AP again! Love the crazy atmosphere, it's really cool and hyped up. Usually Dearie would watch with me and be my personal commentator, but I love watching him from up here also la.

"Naoto Onishi's performance was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen ! No wait. Second most beautiful." 
"Then what's the first?" 
-Looks sweetly at me- Awww.. shoo sweet. 

More about Naoto later. 


UPDATE: Yay This one is wayy clearer. Spot the last wave at me hahaha so adorable.

And the emcee's intro. Proud girlfriend over here. Aikhwee doesn't like it though. Haha, he say drawing too much attention for his liking. ZZZ VIDEO SO BLUR HOW TO SEE HIS FACE !!! Stupid blogger. I'll think of something.  

Competition going on, sorry I have no idea who this is. >.< paisay 

Panel of judges looking intently at the yoyoer.

My handsome Judge looking at up me. Hehe. Another reason why I love sitting up here is because Dearie would occasionally look up and smile at me. Makes me happy when I caught a few peeks. 

Last player over! The judge wants Koi. Waiting to collect his drink.

Naoto Onishi~4A champion 2015! Aik Hwee say this is his idol now. I saw his performance on youtube, it was visually pleasing, really got those touched, want to tear up feeling when I watched it. He made it look so effortless and the song goes really well with the whole performance. And on a completely unrelated note, HIS SKIN IS SO SMOOTH! OMG, I kept staring at him as I was taking his picture, like how can I get such fair toufu skin. So even like baby's skin. I was controlling my urge to touch it, teach me shifu, I want smooth skin like yours. I guess he can be my smooth skin idol. If it's due to Japan climate, I need to migrate man. If it's due to sushi, no problem, I love sushi. Hopefully it's not something weird like... Tuna sashimi, I don't like tuna. Or like genetics, :( Then there's nothing I can do about it. OMG, please tell me it's due to salmon, I don't mind gorging myself on salmons, I love salmons!

Also Aikhwee looks like he's got a tummy there but I swear it's his rock hard abs. hehehe

Off work lor. Dearie change out of his Judge t-shirt. 

He's a cutie. Dearie say he MIGGHTTT be competing next year if he can make enough improvements, so okay, let's all cross our fingers and toes and pray that he does. I told him I only date yoyo champions so he must win if not I have to date the next 4A champion, so nice hor, giving my boyfriend absolutely no pressure at all. :P 

Okay la, I really don't care if he win anything at all, I just like watching him, and the united feeling of other people watching him as well. DO IT BABE !! COMPETE !!

Eating Ramen for dinner~

Dear's one looks delicios

Mine not so. I don't like the chicken. At all. The noodles was good though. AND THE EGGS were OMG , so nice. 

And loookk... Dearie gave me his lanyard and his AP brochure. Fangirl me.

On the way back, we saw Venus and Jupiter. Nowadays it shines so brightly. 

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